
And seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray unto the LORD for it: for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace.

Jeremiah 29:7

Naperville is my home town.

It’s a beautiful suburb to the city of Chicago, about 35 miles west.

According to Jeremiah 29:7, I’m called to be

the keeper of the city. …and I take that seriously.

Naperville is a conservative town, meaning, people within it tend to believe the word of God and live out the values written in it.

As these last days would have it, Truth is under attack, life is under attack, marriage, Love, Honor, purity, Generosity, Honesty, …all of the Good.

There’s lot to pray about. The book of Jude talks about people sneaking in, trying to bring in their sick agenda and to Destroy the city from within by proposing laws, changes and philosophies that are but dung.

Why dung?

All of the above is void of God’s Love, direction and

is motivated by evil.

That’s why LKMM has been called to step in and change that, and that’s what we are doing.

• We pray and decree

• we engage in local politics

• we are preparing “Sion a STO měst” Kingdom Impact

Because the situation requires so, I have engaged myself in local republican political body, and in mid-term election in June 2022 I have been voted in as Precint Commiteeman in my district—Wheatland township 4. This is voluntary position, and it’s a good start.

I encourage YOU to do the same, wherever you are,

Remember, it’s a mandate!

With Love, Luke.