Bicycle ministry

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

Isaiah 43:19

One day, as I was riding the Springbrook trail, that I oversee as a keeper, I received the thought from the LORD,

“I’m doing new thing”—You’ll have a ministry on bicycle.

I gladly took it. I enjoy bicycle riding, and since July 2020 it has turned into more than just rides, it turned into “Speak rides”.

What is it? Well, it’s bicycle ride with an intent. I ride the trail and stop about in the middle of my ride to declare and decree God’s word over the city of Naperville. Certain things are the same, but I also pay attention to the spirit to speak what The Lord wants me to speak.

So far it has been just me—it’s about to change.

I’ve learned, there’s a reason why You like what You like, and The Lord is the expert in turning what You like into Your ministry to the marketplace—win/win.

Newest addition to the bike family is gorgeous Bianchi road bike. I enjoy it huge. Now the ministry is on rough trails and it’s also on smooth roads.

If you’re a biker, and want to join me, send me an email.

With Love, Luke.